M199 - 2X (LM202-51)
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Medium 199 (M199) (2X), LIQUID
With L-glutamine
With sodium bicarbonate
Catalog Number LM 202-50 (with Earle’s salts
Equal to LM006-01 at 1X)
Catalog Number LM 202-51 (with Hanks’ salts
Equal to LM006-06 at 1X)
Storage Temperature 2~8°C
Product Description
Medium 199 contains various combinations of vitamins, amino acids and other factors. It has broad species applicability, particularly for cultivation of non-transformed cells. Morgan and his coworkers reported their efforts to produce a totally defined nutritional source, instead of serum, for cell cultures. However, it was found that long-term cultivation of cells required addition of a serum supplement to the culture. It is widely used in virology, vaccine production and in vitro cultivation of primary explants of mouse pancreatic epithelial and rat lens tissues.
LM 202-50 is based on the Earle’s balanced salts, and contains 200 mg/L of L-glutamine, 4400 mg/L of sodium bicarbonate. LM 202-51 is based on the Hanks’ balanced salts, and contains 200 mg/L of L-glutamine, 700 mg/L of sodium bicarbonate. The selection of a nutrient medium is strongly influenced by (1) type of cell, (2) type of culture (monolayer, suspension, or clonal), and (3) degree of chemical definition necessary. It is important to review the literature for recommendations concerning medium, supplementation and physiological parameters required for a specific cell line.
The liquid medium should be stored at 2~8°C in the dark. Deterioration of the liquid medium may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. The nature of supplements added may affect storage conditions and shelf life of the medium. Product label bears expiration date.
Biological Performance Characteristics
The growth-promoting capacities of Medium 199 are tested in a 1X liquid medium using an appropriate cell line(s). Growth rates are examined through three subculture generations and compared with parallel cultures grown in standardized control medium. Cells are counted and growth is plotted as a logarithmic function of time in culture, and seeding efficiency, doubling time, and the final cell density are determined. During the testing period cultures are examined microscopically for a typical morphology and evidence of cytotoxicity.
Preparation Procedure (1 L of 1X medium)
- Mix 500 ml of 2X Medium 199 and 400 ml of sterile cell/tissue culture grade water (LS 016-01) in an appropriate vessel.
- If the desired pH is different from the pH in table below, adjust pH using sterile 1 N HCl (LS 003-02) or 1 N NaOH (LS 012-02).
- Fill up to 1 L by adding sterile cell/tissue culture grade water.
For In Vitro Use Only