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Phenol Red Solution (0.5%), (LS008-01)

Phenol Red Solution (0.5%), (LS008-01)

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Phenol Red Solution (0.5%)
Contains 5 g/L phenol red DPBS
Endotoxin tested
Cell culture tested

Catalog Number LS 008-01
Storage Temperature 15~30°C

Product Description
Phenol red is used as a pH indicator. The sodium salt of phenol red is used widely in culture media to identify changes from neutral to acidic pH values. It is typically used in cell culture media at 11 mg/L. A solution of phenol red will have a yellow color at a pH of 6.4 or below and a red color at a pH of 8.2 and above. Phenol red in tissue culture media can act as a weak estrogen, especially with human breast cancer cells. Lipophilic impurities, not the phenol red dye itself, account for the estrogenic activity. 95~99% of these impurities can be removed from the sodium salt of phenol red with a reduction in estrogen-like activity.

LS 00801 contains 5.0 g/L phenol red DPBS.

The concentrated Phenol red solution should be stored at 15~30°C. Deterioration of the solution may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. Product label bears expiration date.

For In Vitro Use Only


Product Name Description Cat. No. Recommended Storage Temp. Size
Phenol Red Solution (0.5%) Contains 5.0 g/L phenol red in D-PBS
Cell culture tested
Endotoxin tested
LS 008-01 Store at 15-30°C 100ML