45 % Acrylamide solution (ML001-02)
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Acrylamide Solution
DNase, RNase and protease-none detected
Catalog Number ML 001-01 (40% Acrylamide)
ML 001-02 (45% Acrylamide)
Storage Temperature 2~8°C
Product Description
Acrylamide solution is used in the production of polyacrylamide gel, which is used in electrophoresis of protein or nucleic acids. To use this product, add an appropriate amount of N,N`-methylenebisacrylamide (bis-acrylamide), which is a cross-linking reagent between acrylamide, and dilute to working concentrations (e.g. 30%). Acrylamide is a non-degradable, bio accumulating nervous toxin that can be absorbed through the skin. It is imperative that vinyl gloves and a mask be worn when handling acrylamide and bis-acrylamide regardless of whether the products are in solid or liquid form. Polyacrylamide, which comes in gel form due to polymerization, is not toxic material, but may contain small amounts of unpolymerized acrylamide and requires the same carefulness in handling. Low quality acrylamide and bis-acrylamide sometimes contains metal ions, which can be removed by adding monobed resin (one fifths the volume of the acrylamide solution), mixing the compound overnight, and filtering it through Whatman No.1 filter paper.
ML 001-01 contains 400 g/L acrylamide in ultra pure water (ML 019-02).
ML 001-02 contains 450 g/L acrylamide in ultra pure water (ML 019-02).
Acrylamide solution should be stored at 2~8°C. And store the acrylamide solution away from light. Acrylamide and bis-acrylamide slowly change into acrylic acid and bis-acrylic acid, respectively, over long periods of time. Deterioration of the solution may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. Product label bears expiration date.
Biological Performance Characteristics
The biological characteristics of the acrylamide solution are tested using gel electrophoresis of protein or nucleic acid, and compared with the resolution of the parallel bands in standardized control solution.
For In Vitro Use Only
Product Name | Description | Cat. No. | Recommended Storage Temp. | Size |
40% Acrylamide Solution | Contains 400 g/L acrylamide in Ultra Pure Water Sterile-filtered DNase, RNase and protease - none detected |
ML 001-01 | Store at 2-8°C | 500ML |
45% Acrylamide Solution | Contains 450 g/L acrylamide in Ultra Pure Water Sterile-filtered DNase, RNase and protease - none detected |
ML 001-02 | Store at 2-8°C | 500ML |