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L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 200mM (LS045-01)

L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 200mM (LS045-01)

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제품 설명서 (PDF 파일 다운로드) MSDS (PDF 파일 다운로드)


 L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine Solution (200mM)
Contains 200mM L-Alanyl-L-glutamine
in 0.85% NaCl solution
Endotoxin tested
Cell culture tested

Catalog Number LS 045-01
Storage Temperature 2~-8°C

Product Description
When L-Glutamine is used by cells, ammonia, which is harmful to cells, is generated. most cells can tolerate the presence of ammonia, but some cells may be very sensitive to it. in this case, instead of L-glutamine, a dipeptide form such as L-alanyl-L-glutamine or glycyl-L-glutamine, which generates less ammonia, can be used.

The dipeptide forms of L-Glutamine are very stable in liquid state, so high-pressure steam sterilization is possible. L-alanyl-L-glutamine is more effective than glycyl-L-glutamine, and depending on the cell line, there is a certain adaptation period when replacing L-alanyl-L-glutamine or glycyl-L-glutamine with L-glutamine. there are cases where it is necessary.

Supplementing cell culture media with L-alanyl-L-glutamine can extend the shelf-life of the media at 4°C and greatly reduce the problems associated with the breakdown of glutamine into ammonia waste.

L-alanyl-L-glutamine solution should be stored at 2~-8°C in the dark. Deterioration of the liquid may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. The nature of supplements added may affect storage conditions and shelf life of the medium. Product label bears expiration date.

Biological Performance Characteristics
The growth-promoting capacity of L-alanyl-L-glutamine solution is tested in a medium containing 10% FBS using an appropriate cell line(s). Growth rates are examined through three subculture generations and compared with parallel cultures grown in standardized control medium. Cells are counted and growth is plotted as a logarithmic function of time in culture, and seeding efficiencies, doubling time, and final cell densities are determined. During the testing period cultures are examined microscopically for a typical morphology and evidence of cytotoxicity.

For In Vitro Use Only