[NOTICE] 2025년 새해 20% 할인 이벤트 ( AccuPlasticWare™ & Reagents for Molecular Biology Experiments )
ITSP (100X), (LS030-01)

ITSP (100X), (LS030-01)

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제품 설명서 (PDF 파일 다운로드) MSDS (PDF 파일 다운로드)


Pyruvate Supplement (ITSP) (100X), Liquid
With 1.0 g/L insulin
0.55 g/L transferrin
0.67 mg/L selenium
11.0 g/L pyruvate
in EBSS without Ca2+, Mg2+, and phenol red

Endotoxin tested
Cell culture tested

Catalog Number LS 030-01
Store at less than 0°C

Product Description
For the reduction of serum requirement, serum-free media and protein-free media were developed and used in special studies. ITSP supplement can be supplemented to these special media. In addition to that, ITSP supplement can be supplemented to the classical media (DMEM, MEM, RPMI 1640, Ham’s F-12...) with 2~4% serum. Insulin is a polypeptide hormone that promotes the uptake of glucose and amino acids and may hold mitogenic effect. Transferrin is an iron-transport protein. Although Iron is an essential trace element, it is not available for cells by itself because of its toxicity in the free form. Instead, Iron bound to transferring can be supplied to nourish cells in culture. Selenium is an essential trace element normally provided by serum. Pyruvate formed in glycolysis is transported to the mitochondria, where it is oxidized by O2 to CO2. These oxidation reactions in the mitochondria generate the biological energies, ATP and GTP.

LS 030-01 contains 1.0 g/L of insulin, 0.55 g/L of transferrin, 0.67 mg/L of selenium, and 11.0 g/L of pyruvate in EBSS without Ca2+, Mg2+, and phenol red. LS 030-01 is the 100-fold concentrated solution, so add 10ml of this solution to 1 L of media aseptically. The selection of a nutrient medium is strongly influenced by (1) type of cell, (2) type of culture (monolayer, suspension, or clonal) and (3) degree of chemical definition necessary. It is important to review the literature for recommendations concerning medium, supplementation and physiological parameters required for a specific cell line.

The liquid should be stored at 2~8°C in the dark. Deterioration of the liquid may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. The nature of supplements added may affect storage conditions and shelf life of the medium. Product label bears expiration date.