Kanamycin Solution (50 mg/ml), (LS206-01)
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Kanamycin Solution (50 mg/ml)
Contains 50 mg/mL kanamycin
in 0.9% sodium chloride
Catalog Number LS 206-01
Storage Temperature -5~-20°C
Product Description
Microbial contamination results in the lethal errors in cell and tissue culture. Animal cell divides into two daughter cells in several hours to days, however microbes such as bacteria, fungi, or yeasts are doubled in decades of minutes to hours. Hence, overgrowth of these microbes inhibits the growth, proliferation, and function of animal cells. Microbial components or products can result in the toxic effect to animal cells. Generally, in culture medium, antibiotics are added for inhibition of microbial growth.
LS 206-01 contains 50 mg/mL kanamycin in 0.9% sodium chloride.
Kanamycin solution should be stored at -5~-20°C. Deterioration of the liquid may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. The nature of supplements added may affect storage conditions and shelf life of the medium. Product label bears expiration date.
For In Vitro Use Only