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NZYM Medium (MM010-01)

NZYM Medium (MM010-01)

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NZYM Medium, Liquid
Catalog Number MM 010-01
Storage Temperature 2~8°C

Product Description
NZYM medium is widely used to support the growth of bacteiophage lamda, which infects its cell host, E. coli to replicate. The NZCYM, NZYM, and NZM mediums contain NZ-Amine A, which provides a source of high quality amino acids and peptides produced by the enzymatic digestion of casein. By providing the E. coli with such a rich assortment of components, the broths allow the bacteria to grow more rapidly because they do not need to synthesize nucleotide precursors and other factors needed for growth.

NZYM medium should be stored at 2~8°C. Deterioration of NZYM medium may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. The nature of supplements added may affect storage conditions and shelf life of NZYM medium. Product label bears expiration date.

Biological Performance Characteristics
The NZCYM, NZYM, and NZM mediums contain yeast extract and casamino acids (which provide nutrients such as free amino acids required for growth of recombinant strains of E. coli). Growth components such as magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride are also present. Magnesium sulfate provides a source of magnesium ions for use in the enzymatic reaction of DNA replication. Sodium chloride provides the cells a suitable osmotic environment. By providing the E. coli with such a rich assortment of components, the broths allow the bacteria to grow more rapidly because they do not need to synthesize nucleotide precursors and other factors needed for growth. Inoculate and incubate cultures on a rotary shaker at 33°C to 37°C for 18~48 hours.

For In Vitro Use Only


Components MM 010-01 (g/L)
NZ amine 10.0
NaCl 5.0
Bacto-Yeast extract 5.0
MgSO4·7H2O 2.0


Product Name Description Cat. No. Recommended Storage Temp. Size
NZYM Medium, liquid Components
  10.0 g/L NZ amine*
  5.0 g/L NaCl
  5.0 g/L Bacto-Yeast Extract
  2.0 g/L MgSO4·7H2O
 pH 7.0

Autoclaved (121°C, 15 lb/sq. in., 20 min)
Bacteriophage culture tested
MM 010-01 Store at 2-8°C 500ML