[NOTICE] 2025년 새해 20% 할인 이벤트 ( AccuPlasticWare™ & Reagents for Molecular Biology Experiments )
HPLC Water (ML019-03)

HPLC Water (ML019-03)

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제품 설명서 (PDF 파일 다운로드) MSDS (PDF 파일 다운로드)


HPLC Water
RO filtered and 0.2 μm filtered
Ions removed by ion exchange filter
Autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min
Endotoxin filtered
18 Megohm
DNase, RNase and protease - none detected

Catalog Number ML 019-03
Storage Temperature 15~30°C

H2O, Water, Hydrogen oxide
FW 18.02
H 11.19%, O 88.81%
(Liq.) Temperature of maximal density; 3.98°C
d3.98 1.000000 g/ml (0.999972 g/cc)
d425 0.997 g/cc
d0 (ice) 0.917 g/cc
Melting point 0°C, Boiling point 100°C
One liter saturated vapor weighs 0.5974 g at 100°C at
760 mm
Critical Temperature 374.2°C, Critical Pressure 218 atm
Specific Heat (liq; 14°) 1.000 cal/g/°C
Latent Heat of Fusion 1.436 kcal/mole
Latent Heat of Vaporization 9.717 kcal/mole
Water is the most universal solvent known.

ML 019-03 is the water for HPLC (high-perfomance liquid chromatography) prepared through reverse osmosis (RO) filtration, 2-step endotoxin filtration, and autoclaving (121°C, 20 min), and has the conductivity (resistance) of max. 18 MΩ. And ions are removed by ion-exchange filters. By these processing, impurities as well as microbes are removed completely hence the experimental errors due to lab water used for HPLC techniques can be reduced, and the high reproductivility can be provided.

HPLC Water should be stored at 15~30°C. Deterioration of the solution may be recognized by (1) precipitate or particulate matter throughout the solution, (2) cloudy appearance, (3) color change, and/or (4) pH change. Product label bears expiration date.

For In Vitro Use Only


Product Name Description Cat. No. Recommended Storage Temp. Size
RNase Free Water
(DEPC Treated Water)
Reverse osmosis (RO) filtered
Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated
Autoclaved (121°C, 15 lb/sq. in., 20 min)
DNase, RNase and protease free
ML 019-01 Store at 15-30°C 1ML × 50
Ultra Pure Water Reverse osmosis (RO) filtered
Autoclaved (121°C, 15 lb/sq. in., 20 min)
18 Megohm (MΩ)
DNase, RNase and protease-none detected
ML 019-02 Store at 15-30°C 1.5ML × 50
HPLC Water Reverse osmosis (RO) filtered
Ion exchange filtered
DNase, RNase and protease-none detected
ML 019-03 Store at 15-30°C 500ML